Welcome to the launch of our new website and blog!  In 2002, I (Dr. Alana Barmby) founded the Saskatoon Naturopathic Health and Wellness Centre.  Wow, that is a mouthful!  This year we officially shortened the name to the Saskatoon Wellness Centre.  We felt this new name better reflected the diverse services offered at the Centre and a lot easier to say!

Wellness is a Journey….
The road to wellness is often mired by detours, bumps and the occasional road block! That’s why it is so important to have a team of professionals working with you to navigate these pitfalls.   Your needs change and evolve.   Sometimes you need naturopathic medicine for a tune up, sometimes you need physical therapy after the accident!   We strive to collaborate with you and each other to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Road Map….
We may know where we want to end up – our destination, but often we need a map to help figure out how to get there.  Working together we will come up with a plan to help you realize your health goals.

Respect and Compassion….
Sometimes we get stuck and start spinning our wheels.   We will meet you where you are at and help you move forward. We respect that you are in the drivers seat.  You are in charge of where you go and how fast you get there.

Solution Focused….
We are focused on creating customized solutions to your health concerns.  Experience you can trust.

Thank you for stopping by. Please take a tour of our new website and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or want to book an appointment with any of our team members.